Supporting communities to create and manage green space and meet future demands through multi-functional land use.


Working to your brief, we support you through the design process considering the purpose of the woodland, species choice and funding options. There are several funding options available to support woodland planting in Yorkshire. A range of factors will affect which funder is the most appropriate for each scheme. We work with landowners to secure the necessary finance to establish your woodland.

We identify site opportunities and constraints and together prepare a plan and planting specification.

Our design work complies with UK Forestry Standard guidelines.


Our experienced team and dedicated volunteers have been responsible for the planting of almost one million trees across the Yorkshire region.

We will carry out your planting scheme to a high standard to ensure the woodland establishes successfully. I

f you live in North or West Yorkshire then the White Rose Forest is your community forest. We are partners.

The White Rose Forest Strategy will improve the quantity and access of woodlands  ensuring that no household is further than 500 Metres from wooded spaces by 2050


Good aftercare in the first three years after planting is vital to the survival of newly planted trees.

We ensure all new planting has the best chance of establishing by protecting against animal browsing and competition from other plants.

We are aware of the environmental impact of plastic tree guards used in planting schemes. We will use fully biodegradable materials where possible and ensure old guards are reused or recycled.


We promote and deliver woodland management to ensure good health of the trees as the woodland matures. Traditional management techniques such as coppicing are employed where appropriate that promote biodiversity within the woodland.

As a social enterprise we are keen to pass new skills on to our volunteers and others we work with. By doing this we preserve traditional skills, encourage land-based enterprise, and maximise the potential of the woodland we establish.

Woodlands provide a range of environmental, economic, educational, recreational, and health/social benefits. Whether they are in rural, or urban areas we all benefit from trees and woodlands in our landscape. A few of these benefits include.

Absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mitigating the effect of global warming whilst releasing oxygen back into the air for us to breath.

In urban settings trees filter the air of particulate pollutants produced by vehicles that we would otherwise breath

Reduce the frequency and intensity of flood events by intercepting rainfall and increasing the capacity of land to absorb water.

Providing habitat for a whole range of wildlife increasing biodiversity

Providing jobs in a variety of ways either directly from timber or using the woodland as a resource for education or recreation.

“We are commissioning a series of stories with our videographer to share stories of woodland creation throughout the district.”

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